π Template documentation [edit]
- This documentation is transcluded from Template:Installation test matrix/doc. It will not be transcluded on pages that use this template.
Wikitcms core pageThis page is a core component of the
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release validation testing results in the Fedora wiki. This system relies on specific expectations regarding page naming, contents, and categorization. Please
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QA group before applying it.
This template contains the Installation 'test matrix' of test cases that are usually executed as part of
release validation testing. It is pulled into release validation results pages using several nested templates, and can be used in other pages as appropriate. If all you need to do is add, remove or edit a Installation validation test case, though, don't worry about that stuff, and put it in here.
Please click [show] in each table to view the tests of each media installation, and click [edit] to post your test results using the syntax in Key Section.
π Default boot and install (x86_64)
Single test tableIn all of these tests, the test case used is
QA:Testcase_Boot_default_install. That is where the links point. The same test needs to be run for multiple images, target platforms, and install media. Note that the non-installer-based ARM disk images are covered by the later
#ARM disk images section. The
VM columns are for results from testing in a virtual machine. The
CD/DVD columns are for results from testing on a real system with the image written to a real CD or DVD. The
USB columns are for results from testing on a real system with the image written to a USB stick.
Expected coverageFor Beta, we expect a reasonable sampling of tests across the table, with at least some testing for VM and USB boot method, both firmware types, and each major class of deliverable (netinst, live and DVD). Optical boot testing is optional at this stage. For Final, we expect full coverage for
Basic / Final rows with VM and USB boot method. Optical boot testing in Final is mandatory for
supported images.
π Default boot and install (i386)
Below is the table for i386 tests, collapsed by default (click 'show' in the Milestone column to show it). Since Fedora 24, i386 is no longer a release-blocking architecture, and these tests are all optional.
Single test tableIn all of these tests, the test case used is
QA:Testcase_arm_image_deployment. That is where the links point. The same test needs to be run for multiple images and target platforms.
π Guided storage configuration
π Guided storage shrinking
For this test, the column headings refer to the storage volume type to be shrunk, not the one chosen to replace it for the new installation.
π Custom storage configuration
π Installation repositories
π Internationalization and Localization